Animal Care:
*Always get your animal frozen ASAP if you can't skin it right away! Leaving the animal in a cooler for several days may keep your meat from spoiling, but it will definetly NOT keep your hide from spoiling.
We encourage you to bring your animals to us to be skinned properly. Skinning is free if you have your animal mounted with us. We have several meat processors in our area and we can wrap up you meat for you to take to the processor of your choice.
If you decide to skin it yourself, follow these procedures:
-Take skin from carcass, leaving the skull, feet and/or paws intact and unskinned, still 

inside the hide.
-For shoulder mounts, cut skin off behind the shoulders and make cuts behind the 

leg, not through the armpit.
-For life-size mounts, make sure you save the genitals on males.
-Fold hide hair side out, tucking face and ears into the center. Place in plastic bag 
and freeze solid.
Hunts Out West:
How do you get your hide back to MN without spoilling?
Get your hide frozan ASAP. Keeping the hide in a cooler on your drive home, usually will not keep it from spoiling.
Places that may freeze your hide for you:
-Local butcher shop
-Your motel
-Grocery store
-Local Taxidermist
Once frozen, either ship it to us with a 2 day service. Or, if you drive it home, keep hide in a cooler with ice, but do NOT let it get wet. Moisture breeds bacteria which leads to decay.
Fish Care:
Take a clear, close-up, photograph of the fish right out of the water. This helps us match the original color.
With the fish wet, lay the fins down next to the body. Wrap the entire wet fish in an old, wet towel or cloth. Never wrap a fish in newspaper or any other type of paper. Then wrap with plastic or seal in a plastic bag. Freeze solid.
Bird Care:
Handle birds very gently and avoid damaging feathers. Plug mouth with cotton balls and wipe off any blood. Smooth the feathers against the body. Place in paper bag until cooled (several hours). Wrap in a plastic bag and freeze solid.